White-Tailed Deer and Elk Damage in Brambles
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White-tailed deer and elk consume shoots and fruit, depending on the time of year. During winter, deer and elk clip ends of canes, leaving behind distinctive teeth marks. During spring and summer, deer and elk feed on new plant growth, including leaves. They also consume fruit when they ripen.
White-tailed deer.
(Photo: Scott Bauer, USDA-ARS, Bugwood.org)
White-tailed deer tracks.
(Photo: Teddy Fisher)
(Photo: Alfred Viola, North Eastern University, Bugwood.org)
Elk tracks.
(Photo: Unnamed photographer, US National Parks Service)
- Protect plants using 8-foot high metal fencing for deer and elk; where elk are not present, a plastic 8-foot fencing will keep deer from plants.
- Off-set electric fence designs are also effective at preventing access to plantings.
- Reduce the overall deer population on the property through hunting.