Sunscald or Sunburn in Brambles
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Sunscald or sunburn injury to fruit is often associated with high temperatures (above 90°F) and intense sunlight. It often occurs when humid, cloudy days are followed by hot sunny conditions. Drupelets of affected berries become bleached or tan, and they may be shriveled. Damage is typically found on berries exposed to direct sunlight and can occur on both immature and mature fruit.
Sunscald to fruit in planting.
(Photo: John Strang, University of Kentucky)
Sunscald on harvested fruit.
(Photo: John Strang, University of Kentucky)
- Harvest frequently.
- Grow blackberries on a shift trellis so that fruit are shaded on the north side of the trellis to substantially reduce sunscald.
- Consider overhead irrigation during hot days to cool canopy.