Sap Beetles on Strawberry
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Sap beetles (Family Nitidulidae) are small, brown, oval beetles approximately 1⁄8 inch long. They are attracted to fermenting plant juice smells in association with ripe, damaged, or cracked fruit. Damage may appear as small holes where berries contact the ground. Beetles often escape as fruit is being picked; beetles may not be obvious. Problems often occur after a rainy period when there may be a buildup of overripe fruit.
Sap beetle damage to strawberry.
(Photo: Natalie Hummel, Louisiana State University AgCenter,
Adult sap beetle.
(Photo: Ric Bessin, University of Kentucky)
- Follow sanitation practices.
- Harvest all ripe fruit and remove damaged, diseased, and overripe fruits in a timely manner.
- Insecticide sprays can be used during harvest, if necessary.