Raccoon, Skunk, and Opossum Damage in Brambles
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Raccoons, skunks, and opossums cause damage when berries begin to ripen. These pests either eat fruit directly off plants and rip fruit from plants, resulting in missing berries and torn plants. Look for tracks or scat in or around plants to identify species. Because they are nocturnal, these animals generally cause damage at night.
(Photo: Johnny N. Dell, Bugwood.org)
Raccoon tracks.
(Photo: Evgeniya Mukhitova, Shutterstock.com)
Striped skunk.
(Photo: Geoffrey Kuchera, Shutterstock.com)
Striped skunk tracks.
(Photo: Evgeniya Mukhitova, Shutterstock.com)
(Photo: David Cappaert, Bugwood.org)
Opossum tracks.
(Photo: Evgeniya Mukhitova, Shutterstock.com)
- Install metal fencing in small-scale operations to reduce opossum and skunk damage; metal fencing is not effective for raccoons.
- Electric fencing is effective for these animals when a live wire is kept at nose level (about 4 to 6 inches off the ground).
- Trapping or shooting individuals is also effective.
- Set cage traps baited with tuna fish or cat food.