Dallisgrass in Grape Plantings
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Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum) is a perennial grass with short rhizomes that develops clumping patches. Clumps are often brown in the center. Leaves may turn reddish late in the season. Primary reproduction is by seed. Seeds are found on thin wire-like branches arising from tall seedheads; this is a key identifying feature.
Dallisgrass flowers.
(Photo: James H. Miller & Ted Bodner, Southern Weed Science Society, Bugwood.org)
Dallisgrass seeds.
(Photo: Barry Rice, sarracenia.com, Bugwood.org)
- Apply a pre-emergent grass herbicide to seedlings; pre-emergents are ineffective against established clumps that have developed rhizomes.
- Manage established clumps by spot-spraying with a non-selective systemic herbicide, such as glyphosate.