Botrytis Gray Mold of Strawberry
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Botrytis gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) is a fungal disease that primarily affects ripening or damaged fruit. Fuzzy gray (moldy) growth is diagnostic of Botrytis rot. Fungal growth contains infective spores that cause new infections, creating a repetitive cycle. If entire fruit rots, it may dry and mummify. In some cases, blossoms become infected and serve as a pathway for fruit infections. Botrytis is ever-present, but primary inoculum comes from overwintering in dead leaf
tissue and fallen fruit.
Botrytis gray mold fungus sporulating on berries.
(Photo: Nicole Ward Gauthier, University of Kentucky)
- Apply preventative fungicides beginning at flowering.
- Use proper sanitation.
- Remove infected and damaged fruit.
- Increase air circulation to encourage drying.
- Mulch to prevent splash.